septiembre 22, 2009

Welcome to My Earthly Pleasure

This bed's too tight, I stepped upon your records in the night. Put on your favorite skirt, I've got a plan that'll never work.
This isn't the first time, but it still feels innocent, I just wanna kiss you. There won't be a time, when my mind strays to you. No, I'm not gonna miss you.
Onto the fireworks in Brixton, to carrousels, heart spinning. If it's a grower, why can't we take things slower.
She dreams of the rollerdisco, head full of curls on the pillow.If it's a grower, why can't we take things slower.

8/11 Maxïmo Park en el Pepsi Music!!!
Espero q toquen esta cancion...tengo q comprar la entrada, estoy ansioso porqe vengan, y también voy a poder ver a The Tings Tings, que si bien no es la gran cosa, algunas canciones pegan.

Sin más que decir/poner, inaguro este blog de "mi placer terrenal", que por lo menos ya sirvio para entrenerme un rato, mientras lo creaba.

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