diciembre 28, 2009

Happy Christmas

Feliz navidad a todos !
Ahora viene la aburrida semana entre navidad y año nuevo, espero pasarla bien... les deseo lo mismo.

My life, you electrify my life.
Let's conspire to re-ignite, all the souls that would die just to feel alive.
I'll never let you go, if you promise not to fade away, never fade away.
Hold you in my arms, I just wanted to hold you in my arms.

diciembre 15, 2009

For You, For Me

Run from the memories, je nage, mais les sons me suivent
Stop now before it's too late
I'm eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate, nothing lasts forever that's the way it’s gotta be.
There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea
This sound is not asleep, it's moving under my feet...

diciembre 09, 2009

You're always my reminder

Luego d un arduo (?) trabajo, pude hacer el recital de Maxïmo Park en el Pepsi Music, de este ultimo 8/11/09
Tengo que avisar que la calidad no es la mejor, porque son mp3, convertidos de videos de youtube que me baje...como los videos no son mios, se suele escuchar pibitas gritando xD
Y en algunas canciones encontre cuando Paul habla antes, en otras no; en fin, no es gran cosa, pero por lo menos hace recordar el buen momento :)
Quien quiera bajarlo:


Songlist en orden:
1- Wraithlike
2- By The Monument
3- Apply Some Pressure
4- The Kids Are Sick Again
5- Calm
6- Books From Boxes
7- I Want You To Stay
8- Our Velocity
9- Going Missing
10- Girls Who Plays Guitar

noviembre 27, 2009

Not as they seem

Have you ever tried to step in my shoes?

have you ever tried to balance that beam?
and if you ever try to fit in my shoes
they'll never be quite as soft as they seem

Unabashed honesty
would be ideal
but a prophet did once say
that honesty is a lonely word
so where do we go from here
abandon ship now?
my problem is you make me melt
and I don't want to be frozen anymore

Have you ever tried to step in my shoes?
have you ever tried to balance that beam?
and if you ever try to fit in my shoes
they'll never be quite as soft as they seem

noviembre 09, 2009

Scattered Polaroids

Books from Boxes @ Buenos Aires
Version distinta que la del disco, pero me gusto igual. Lastima que no pude grabar toda la cancion :(
Faltaba poco para que termine...

You spent the evening unpacking books from boxes, you passed me up so as not to break a promise.
Scattered Polaroids and sprinkled words, around your collar in the long run
You said you knew that this would happen

The pounding rain continued its bleak fall
And we decided just to write after all after all

Wraithlike things that Quicken the Heart

Here's a song that finally you can understand
A minor statetement meant to counteract the plan
A list of wraithlike things, that quicken the heart

Just another song of faded memory
A raison d'etre for the entire family
I don't remember it well
I was in love for a spell

Copies of "Sight and Sound"
She left lying around on the floor
She said i'd forget her voice
That's untrue
It's just not as sharp as before

Si hubiesen sido mas de 35' hubiese superado al de los Arctic del 24/10...
En fin, MUCHA ONDA de Paul... y el resto sono muuuy bien
Espero que vuelvan pronto!

octubre 21, 2009

It's not the end of the world...

But I can see it from here!

octubre 13, 2009

Last Chance

Got the clue from me looking at you
Tired of waiting for me to turn you on
It's getting late and this is your last dance
Am I gonna take my last chance?

Said I don't know why you should stay
She walks away, she wants you
I don't know why you should stay
So walk away, it's your last chance

octubre 07, 2009

Good things don't happen to ugly people

Was I? I was to lazy to bathe
Or paint or write or try to make a change.

Now I can shoot a gun to kill my lunch
And I don't have to love or think too much

Instant battle plans written on the sidewalk
Mental mystics in a twisted metal car
Tried to amplify the sound of light and love

septiembre 25, 2009

Sick of it all

Ev'ry time I take a look, at the people all around me
they seem to be, at least to me, like the undead walk on earth.
And ev'ry step that i take, and ev'ry movement that i make,
I feel that I'm in danger, I feel that I'm the stranger, in a strange, strange land...
And ev'rywhere you people go, devastation and destruction,
it ain't my game, completely insane, and so your game is over now...

F*cking piqueteros...
me tuve que desviar 2 veces en mi camino de vuelta de la facu, para llegar a casa, 2 manifestaciones en 10 cuadras habia.
El derecho que tienen para protestar impidiendo una vida normal, es el mismo derecho que podria tener la policia si reprime.
Siempre parece ser lo mismo, gente sin ganas de trabajar, proponiendo soluciones poco pacificas para arreglar problemas, en fin, gente que nunca piensa, y siempre en busca del fin propio.

This is the Earth (?)

septiembre 23, 2009

Could be possible?

Closed Lotus

The Nature of Suffering: el nacimiento es sufrimiento, la vejez es sufrimiento; la tristeza, el lamento, el dolor, la pena y el desespero son sufrimiento; la asociación con lo que no se ama es sufrimiento; la separación de lo que se ama es sufrimiento; no conseguir lo que se quiere es sufrimiento. En breve, los cinco agregados del aferramiento son sufrimiento.
Suffering's Origins: el aferramiento que provoca el consiguiente devenir y que es acompañado por la pasión y el deleite, probándolo ahora aquí y ahora allí. El aferramiento al placer de los sentidos, el aferramiento a que algo aparezca, el aferramiento a que algo no aparezca.
Suffering's Cessation: la restante disminución y cese del aferramiento, la renuncia, el abandono, la liberación, el dejar ir ese mismo aferramiento.
The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering: El Noble Camino Óctuple: el correcto punto de vista, la correcta resolución, el habla correcta, la acción correcta, el modo de vida correcto, el esfuerzo correcto, la atención correcta, la concentración correcta.

Some people enjoy the love, some others enjoy the pain,
so, is the nirvana so great?

septiembre 22, 2009

Welcome to My Earthly Pleasure

This bed's too tight, I stepped upon your records in the night. Put on your favorite skirt, I've got a plan that'll never work.
This isn't the first time, but it still feels innocent, I just wanna kiss you. There won't be a time, when my mind strays to you. No, I'm not gonna miss you.
Onto the fireworks in Brixton, to carrousels, heart spinning. If it's a grower, why can't we take things slower.
She dreams of the rollerdisco, head full of curls on the pillow.If it's a grower, why can't we take things slower.

8/11 Maxïmo Park en el Pepsi Music!!!
Espero q toquen esta cancion...tengo q comprar la entrada, estoy ansioso porqe vengan, y también voy a poder ver a The Tings Tings, que si bien no es la gran cosa, algunas canciones pegan.

Sin más que decir/poner, inaguro este blog de "mi placer terrenal", que por lo menos ya sirvio para entrenerme un rato, mientras lo creaba.